Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
The Roads That Lead to Ruin
Many young recent graduates are usually diligent and focused when they start their first jobs. Some days they even work overtime with the hope of getting a big salary at the end of the month
Ordaining for One’s Parents Brings Merit
In this day and age of ever-present temptations and perpetual pressure to make a living, it is especially rare to find any family with a son who ordains as a Buddhist monk for at least the period of Buddhist Lent
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon#2
This last metaphor clearly illustrates how no benefit can be found by indulging in sensual pleasure
What moral principles should be picked up to apply to my life so that I could maintain a scrupulous life?
My father has just passed away, as the eldest son of the family, how should I take a good care of my mother and my younger sister? And what moral principles should be picked up to apply to my life so that I could maintain a scrupulous life?
Cannot Live Without Your Smile
She was born in a poor family and grown up with a hopeless love. She decided to spend her life in a foreign country. At the beginning she worked as an employee but got cheated from employer by not paying her. With her strong withstanding of any difficulties, she opened a Thai foods restaurant, started from a small food shop until now she owns 4 branches of the restaurant…along with an interested question about “Mara” ….. DMC has the answers.
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Why she likes to use the oldies
The questions from an audience who would like to know why her grandmother likes to use the oldies.
Dhamma For People :- A true friend can sacrifice his life for you
The good story about true friend who can sacrifice his life to his friend although it is an animal.
ท่าน Hai Tao (ไห่เทา)นำทีมผู้ผลิตรายการ Hai Tal Life TV สัมภาษณ์หลวงพ่อทัตตชีโว เรื่องการบริหารจัดการวัดพระธรรมกาย
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Having long life and being healthy
Having long life and being healthy. Summary from case studies in the Inner Dream Kindergarten program.